By Joanne Barreto, Director, Property 101 Group Ltd
Recently I was honoured to be invited to sit on a panel alongside the Hon. Nikki Kaye, Joanna Pidgeon and Clinton Baker. It was exciting to hear first-hand that despite a recent disappointing response to our working group from the Hon Phil Twyford, Minister of Housing and Urban Development to advise “…the Amendment Bill is not currently being prioritised amongst the Governments other legislative priorities, with our support, the Hon. Nikki Kaye will continue to drive the project.
And while both Property 101 Group and SCA(NZ) as the peak National Industry Body continue to stay abreast of a burgeoning industry amidst inadequate regulation, we strongly believe as the Government push density and therefore multi-unit development the need for reform, & those of us supporting it, will continue to drive to resolve the core problems.
It will be interesting to see how things pan out from the recent cabinet reshuffle:
- Phil Twyford is no longer Housing Minister but will continue to take the lead on urban development & the legislative changes needed to ensure more affordable houses can be built with the right infrastructure around them
- Megan Woods replaces Phil Twyford as housing minister, dedicated to delivering the Government’s house building programme, and hands role as minister responsible for the Earthquake Commission to Grant Robertson
- Kris Faafoi newly promoted into the Cabinet, as associate housing minister – with responsibility for public housing, including state housing & tackling homelessness – and adds government digital services to his roles on commerce, broadcasting, communications & digital media
- Nanaia Mahuta will continue to focus on Maori housing & Jenny Salesa, building & construction and ethnic communities minister and associate minister of education, health and housing & urban development, also becomes customs minister.
Rest assured this will not be the end of the initiative.
Thanks to all those who attended, and to Peter, Joel and the team at Kelly and Partners for inviting me to participate and hosting in association with SCA(NZ).