
“Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.” – Andrew Carnegie

One of the most important drivers for Property 101 Group and SCA(NZ) is ‘collaboration’; Working together & looking out for each other. Having seen the impact of our industry across multiple decades and trends, as I begin writing this on the first day of Summer, I have caught the wellness bug.

If people ask how you are, & you say well, you don’t have it!

Whether its drinking green juice made from super foods and lions’ mane, coconut water with echidna whisker, or inhaling avocados & gratitude and exhaling sugar & negativity, wellness fascinates me.

It’s not just about nice looking girls or dudes with rock hard abs smiling at salads on Instagram, we live in an age of wellness & good health for our mind, body and soul. A cultural trend of self -improvement is filtering down into our workplaces and industries & we need to embrace it for our own wellbeing!

It’s not just downloading mindfulness apps and booking yoga holidays. We’re at a point where you can be engaging with the latest wellness trends without even realising it. According to Arianna Huffington’s book The Sleep Revolution, simply going to bed is now an act of self-care.

With the rise of social media & digital communications infiltrating communities, everyone has a voice & trustworthy communication is both rife & key.  Engagement with our teams, clients and suppliers is at an all-time high, as are expectations.  We often have strategy meetings or team days where we look for efficiencies and controls, measures & etiquette around social media and communications, both desirable & tangible!

So, to bring it back to strata…. Yes, we focus on looking after our clients and their assets, yes, be grateful for superfoods and moon-dust, BUT take the time to look after the bigger picture, do a holistic health check of you, your business, systems, procedures and those around you.  Work together as a team to develop technology etiquette & ensure policies evolve with the fast paced changing world we live in & take the time to smell the roses!

The last little while has been a rollercoaster for both me personally and for my family. It has been a timely reminder that life really is too short. While we have certainly hit the ground running, and I love the challenges and adventures, for me 2020 will be about kindness, it takes a second, but can last a lifetime.

By Joanne Barreto, Director, Property 101 Group Ltd