About Katie Forsman

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So far Katie Forsman has created 141 blog entries.

Namaste, Happy New Year and welcome back from the Property 101 team!

2018-01-24T17:19:04+13:00January 24th, 2018|Categories: In the community|

Whatever we call it, Strata/Body Corporate/Unit tiles/Multi-Unit, 2017 was a brilliant and busy year for us all, both fascinating and exhilarating and what a journey it has been!. [...]


2017-12-14T13:27:58+13:00December 14th, 2017|Categories: Body Corporate/Unit Title/Strata Title, Legal & Litigation, Weather tightness and Building Remedial Issues|

Leaky building? Significant repairs? Large-scale maintenance project? A body corporate facing significant building works to repair building defects and associated damage, or replace building components at the end [...]

Is the short stay rental boom worsening the housing shortage?

2017-10-26T12:21:09+13:00October 26th, 2017|Categories: Body Corporate/Unit Title/Strata Title, Press, SCA(NZ) & SCA|

As featured in stuff.co.nz Joanne Barreto, president of the Strata Community Association, which represents body corporates, says Airbnb's growth is having a huge impact in apartment buildings. Complaints [...]

Layered Developments

2017-10-16T10:14:44+13:00October 16th, 2017|Categories: Body Corporate/Unit Title/Strata Title, Legal & Litigation, Legislation & Regulations, Uncategorized|

A layered development is the creation of a new unit title development within an existing unit title development – a little like a Russian Doll. Sections 19-22 of [...]

Unit Titles Legislation Review – Working Group Update

2017-10-03T10:42:20+13:00October 3rd, 2017|Categories: Body Corporate/Unit Title/Strata Title, Legislation & Regulations, SCA(NZ) & SCA|

As you may be aware Property 101 Group Director & SCA(NZ) President, Joanne Barreto was on the Working Group for the Better Body Corporates initiative that spearheaded the [...]

Top lawyer reveals apartment ‘wars’: what owners fight about

2017-09-26T13:10:21+13:00September 26th, 2017|Categories: SCA(NZ) & SCA|

Anne Gibson has shared just a snippet of the pearls of wisdom following our hugely successful SCA(NZ)/ADSL symposium last week. Several SCA(NZ) members and industry leaders shared their [...]

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