About Katie Forsman

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So far Katie Forsman has created 141 blog entries.

The future has never been murkier, but there’s no time like spring to reflect and recalibrate!

2020-10-15T09:33:43+13:00October 15th, 2020|Categories: Body Corporate/Unit Title/Strata Title, Covid-19, In the community, Legislation & Regulations, SCA(NZ) & SCA|

Never before have we spent so much time commuting around home!! With the landscape constantly changing and my focus on not waving like a crazy woman as we [...]

Ability to use section 88(3) UTA remote meetings extended

2020-06-30T13:36:44+12:00June 30th, 2020|Categories: Health & Safety, Legislation & Regulations|

The Epidemic Preparedness (Covid-19) Notice 2020 was due to expire Thursday 25 June 2020 triggering the end of the section 88(3) UTA amendment re remote meetings [...]

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