The Epidemic Preparedness (Covid-19) Notice 2020 was due to expire Thursday 25 June 2020 triggering the end of the section 88(3) UTA amendment re remote meetings 12 weeks later on 17 Sept (via section 88(5) UTA).
Good news. The Prime Minster gave formal Gazette notice yesterday that the Epidemic Preparedness (Covid-19) Notice 2020 is now renewed for a further 3 months, and will now expire on 24 September 2020. This means the s88(3) amendment will end on 17 December 2020, being 12 weeks from the new Notice expiry date (as per section 88(5) UTA).
It’s possible the Notice could be renewed again, but for now general meetings allowing remote attendance can be scheduled up to 17 December 2020, but not beyond. The Prime Minister also has power to revoke the Notice early so best to keep a watching brief.
The latest gazette notice confirming the Notice renewal can be found here –
Section 88 UTA amendment can be found here –